Today, varicose veins are a very common disease. This is why people have invented many different methods to implement preventive measures and eliminate problems.
Among the non-drug treatments, there is a medical anti-varicose compression stocking. Such sweatshirts for varicose veins are usually made of special fibers. It has very high strength and stretchability is very good. Due to the compression of the surface of the leg, it can inhibit further stretching of the vein wall. In addition to this continuous compression, it can also improve the outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid from the limbs. Blood congestion is the main cause of lower limb pain, especially when doing various jobs.
Elastic medical stockings against varicose veins are indicated for preventive measures in case of disease. According to the purpose of using knitting equipment, several stocking options can be distinguished:
- Preventive medical service. They have a slight degree of compression and are used as preventive measures.
- Medical anti-varicose compression stockings. This version of varicose vein compression stockings is designed to treat various forms of varicose veins. Healing anti-varicose stockings are considered in the second and higher compression ratio.
Why are the anti-varices medical elastic stockings effective in treating diseases?
In order to obtain the results of eliminating varicose veins, complex treatment methods must be used. Elastic stockings for varicose veins are one of the complex treatment methods. With special preparations, you can feel light in your legs and get rid of the manifestations of varicose veins. Of course, all this depends on the stage of development of the disease. Because when the deep veins have serious lesions, they must resort to surgical treatment. In this case, varicose vein stockings cannot help cure the disease.
In order to prevent varicose veins in this tendency, you can use anti-varicose medical elastic stockings with a slight degree of compression. In this case, you must consider your lifestyle. Because for more active people, stockings are not a convenient choice. The golf-shaped medical anti-varicose compression sweatshirt is more suitable for an active lifestyle. This version of underwear adopts an active lifestyle, allowing you to exercise without hindering exercise.
Medical varicose vein compression stockings can be used to eliminate the effects of varicose veins. Among them, it is possible to distinguish the presence of leg edema and poor venous blood flow. In order to counteract these performances, it is necessary to use elastic medical compression stockings with secondary compression or higher. In this case, the doctor should choose compression stockings that resist varicose veins. Because only based on the analysis results can the compression ratio options be clearly determined.
What should be considered when choosing anti-varicose elastic stockings?
When choosing medical elastic stockings for varicose veins, be sure to follow the manufacturer's logo as a guide. For example, in the case of a pressure suit with a second degree of compression recommended, you must ask your doctor for the value in millimeters of mercury. Because it is this value that makes it possible to estimate the actual degree of compression of the elastic knitted fabric against the leg walls. Some manufacturers use different indicators when classifying products based on compression ratios. Therefore, for different knitwear, this indicator may be different in reality under the same pressure on packaging.
Medical compression stockings must be selected according to size. Usually, the manufacturer itself provides a size chart for medical elastic underwear. By measuring the circumference of the calf and thigh, you can determine the version of the product. Compression stockings for varicose veins must fit perfectly. Too much pressure will cause discomfort during the use of the product, and too little pressure will not achieve the therapeutic effect.
Compression stockings from varicose veins can help you prevent the development of the disease. However, the legs cannot be restored to their previous state. Therefore, other medical methods must be used to treat varicose veins in order to achieve more significant results.
Why are anti varicose underwear effective?
The effectiveness of the anti-varicose compression knitted fabric is reflected in the presence of elastic fibers in its composition. Elastic fibers allow compression of leg walls and blood vessel walls. It is because of the stretching of the blood vessel walls that they expand. As a result, blood from varicose veins is constantly stagnating in the limbs and poor circulation. At the same time, various symptoms of varicose veins will appear, such as swelling and heaviness of the legs. The anti-varicose knit fabric allows you to exert moderate pressure on the blood vessel wall to improve blood circulation. First, the microcirculation is improved. Organizations are better saturating the nutrients they previously lacked.
Secondly, when using varicose vein elastic knit stockings, the pressure is distributed from bottom to top. This allows you to effectively squeeze out venous blood and prevent stagnation. Likewise, it occurs in the lymph. Therefore, when using this method of treating varicose veins, the edema will disappear.
Medical compression stockings during the postoperative period are helpful because they can re-stretch the vein wall. Due to the moderate compression of the elastic material, the recurrence of varicose veins can be avoided.
The preventive effect is reduced to prevent the vein wall from stretching due to moderate compression.